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How To Remove Blackheads And Whiteheads?

Have you tried squeezing out blackheads and whiteheads ever? Don’t you think it is similar to whack-a-mole? The more you try to get rid of it, the more it pops out. So what is the winning strategy? How to remove blackheads and whiteheads?

Well, dealing with blackheads and whiteheads can be tiresome but with consistency and a little lifestyle change, you can surely get rid of them.

Blackheads and Whiteheads- An Introduction

Blackheads and whiteheads, collectively known as comedones, are common skin issues. It occurs when keratin combined with oil blocks the hair follicles. If it is open, we call it blackheads and if it is closed, we call it whiteheads.

Comedones are common in adolescents. It is because of hormonal changes (androgen) that increase the oil production. But does that mean adults are prone to it? No, they also suffer from blackheads. It is a common skin issue and almost everyone suffers from it.

Here is an image to help under the development and structure of blackheads and whiteheads.

How To Remove Blackheads And Whiteheads?

How To Prevent Blackheads And Whiteheads From Recurring In The Future?

So how to remove blackheads and whiteheads? Or maybe we can call them stubborn little friends? Well, before that here are a few things you must not do to avoid making it worse. Washing or scrubbing hard can make it worse. Touching or picking can irritate or infect the area.

There are two things you can do to remove blackheads and whiteheads. The first is extracting them and then the second one is the prevention step. We will be discussing each so get ready.


Cleansing is the fundamental step of any skincare routine. It allows you to remove dirt, makeup, excess oil, and impurities from your skin. Proper cleansing is important if you want to remove blackheads or whiteheads.

Better Cleansing to remove comedone

How To Cleanse Properly?

First of all, choose the right cleanser for your skin. Choose a gentle and sulfate-free cleanser that can help you remove dirt and any other impurities from your face.

Choose the right cleanser

You can also look for specific cleansers to address your skincare concerns. For example, if you have dry skin, you can look for a hydrating and low-pH cleanser that won’t strip your natural oil.

If you have oily and acne-prone skin you have to look for a cleanser with salicylic or glycolic acid to prevent clogged pores and get rid of bumpy skin.

Wash your hands

Now this may sound weird but before you wash your face make sure to wash your hands properly. Your hands come in contact with various surfaces and objects throughout the day. It can pick up the impurities and bacteria and can transfer to pure phrase during cleansing.

Also if you have acne-prone skin or sensitive skin you need to ensure that your hands are clean before you touch your face.

Use lukewarm water

Now to wash your face, you need to use lukewarm water. Don’t use ice-cold water or hot water to wash your face. Extreme temperature differences can contribute to enlarged pores.

Also, using lukewarm water to cleanse your face ensures that you get rid of dirt, excess oil and impurities from your pores without stripping the natural oil.

It also dissolves and softens sebum or any other makeup or sunscreen on your face making the whole procedure easy.

Different cleansing routines in day and night

You need to have a different cleansing routine for the morning and evening.

For a morning cleansing routine, you need to start your day with a gentle cleanser to remove any sweat access oil or skin care products applied the previous night. It helps you look fresh and prepared for the day ahead.

But for the night you need a detailed cleansing routine. First, you need to start by using an oil-based cleanser to melt your makeup or sunscreen. Then follow up with a foaming cleanser to clean your face and remove any dirt, pollution or oil.

Cleansing frequency

If you have oily skin you may feel like cleansing more than twice a day. Or if you have dry skin you may feel like skipping cleansing. But let me tell you just saying that the right frequency of cleansing is important to maintain flawless skin.

You have to change your face twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime. Also while cleaning don’t be harsh and gently massage the cleanser onto your skin for about 20-30 seconds covering each corner of the face. Pay special attention to acne-prone areas, such as the forehead, nose and chin.


Exfoliation is a skincare process where you remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It is not part of your daily skincare routine. You can exfoliate your skin twice a week at most to address issues like blackheads, whiteheads, or dull skin.

Regular exploitation can help you remove the top layer of your dead skin cells and help you remove blackheads and whiteheads. Including BHA in your skincare routine like salicylic acid can help you dissolve clogged pores and prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.

Regular exfoliation also encourages healthy skin cell turnover that can help you achieve more than even complexion. If you have sensitive skin you can also try a gentle version of BHA, i.e., LHA.

Non-comedogenic Products

Another thing to keep in mind while choosing skin care products is getting non-comedogenic products. As you already know, blackheads and whiteheads generally occur because of clogged pores.

Using comedogenic or heavy skincare products can clog your pores making the situation even worse. So you must use non-comedogenic products to remove blackheads and whiteheads.

Best serums for blackheads and whiteheads

Skincare Ingredients

Now there are certain skincare ingredients that you can include in your skincare routine to remove blackheads and whiteheads.


AHA stands for Alpha-hydroxy acid. It works great on acne scars and bumpy skin. If you have uneven skin texture and you want flawless and smooth skin, you have to include this acid in your skincare routine.

It is a water-soluble acid that works great to exfoliate the surface of your skin. It breaks the bond of the dead skin cells making it easier to remove.

Beginner-Friendly Guide On How To Use AHA and BHA For Exfoliation?


BHA stands for beta-hydroxy acid. It is an oil-soluble acid and works magically for comedones. It penetrates deeper into pores to unclog them and dissolve sebum, excess oil, dirt or germ.

BHA also helps to get rid of active comedones and even prevents them from recurring in future. It is a magical ingredient for acne-prone and oily skin too.

One of the popular BHAs is salicylic acid. Many people include them in their skincare routine as cleanser or serum. You can also include this skincare ingredient in any other way.


Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3 is another skincare ingredient to include in your skincare routine. It helps in regulating sebum production and also helps in controlling excess oil on the skin surface. It also has inflammatory properties that can be highly beneficial for Acne-prone skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you to treat comedones. It can kill bacteria that lead to frequent breakouts. You can use it as a spot treatment by diluting the tree oil with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil. You can buy products that have tree oil, such as cleanser, face mask, toner or moisturizer.

Hyaluronic acid

It may be confusing that we have included hyaluronic serum in this list. Though it does not directly target comedones; it can help you to keep your skin hydrated without adding extra oil.


Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in skincare. If used properly it can regulate accessible production and help to reduce redness and inflammations associated with acne. It also has antibacterial effects that can help you to combat the bacteria that contribute to comedones.

You can increase your zinc intake through your diet by consuming foods like not seeds and whole grains. Or maybe you can try to take supplements to address your specific skin concerns.

You can also buy skin care products that contain zinc as an active ingredient.

Green tea extract

Another great skincare ingredient to add to your skincare regimen is green tea. It is rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps you to fight with free radicals that can damage your skin cells.

Green tea can also regulate sebum production to avoid clogged pores and comedone formation.

Witch hazel

You can look for a toner that contains witch hazel as it is a natural astringent that can help you to titan the skin pores and reduce the axis oil production.


Another great ingredient to add to your skincare routine to come back blackheads and whiteheads is retinoid. It is a class of compounds derived from vitamin A and is widely used in skincare and dermatology for various benefits. It can help to promote cell turnover rate and promote the growth of new and healthy skin cells. Indirectly helps you to remove blackheads and white hats by treating the clogged pores and reducing the stickiness of skin cells within hair follicles.

You can read more about great serum here – How To Use Retinol Serum For Beginners?

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a common and effective over-the-counter medication you can use to treat your acne and comedones. It has antibacterial properties and hence kills acne-causing bacteria in your pores and releases oxygen into the follicles. It also helps you to exfoliate the skin and remove the top player of the dead skin cells.

Remember to start with a low concentration that is 2.5% and gradually increase. You can use it as a cleanser or as a spot treatment.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a cosmetic procedure that can help you to improve your skin appearance. It involves applying a chemical solution on the top of your skin to peel off the top layer of your skin and reveal smooth, clear and youthful skin.

There are different types of chemical peels: superficial or light peels, medium peels and deep peels. You can use any of them according to your skin concern. But also remember that it is not suitable for everyone so if you have certain skin conditions or a history of abnormal scarring, you should avoid it.

Also, it is advisable to have chemical peels performed by trained professionals to minimize the risk associated.

Additionally, before and after care is also important. Before your chemical peel, you should visit a dermatologist or skin care professional to determine which will be the best feel type for your skin concern. And after the procedure you have to follow the instructions like avoiding sun exposure, using gentle skin care products and keeping your skin hydrated.

How To Extract Blackheads And Whiteheads Safely?

How to extract blackheads and whiteheads?

Comedones Extractor

A comedone extractor is a tool with a small looped end designed to safely remove blackheads and whiteheads. It is important to sterilize the extract before you use it to prevent infection.

To use a comedone extractor safely, you can follow these steps:

  • Start by cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser. Place a warm damp washcloth on your face. Alternatively, you can steam your face to help open the pores.
  • Now sterilize the extractor using rubbing alcohol or any other disinfectant.
  • Use the loop end and place it around the comedone you want to extract.
  • Now apply gentle pressure to remove the contents of the comedones.
  • Only use the needle and if necessary puncture the surface of the comedones before using the loop end for extraction.
  • After that use a clean cotton buy to remove any discharge from the target area. And follow up with a gentle skincare routine.

Pore strips

Pore strips are another way to manually extract the comedones. It is an adhesive strip that sticks to your skin’s surface and removes the dirt from your pores.

To use pore strips safely, you have to start with clean skin and then steam or wet your skin as instructed above. Then apply the pole strip on the area of the face where you want to remove blackheads. Wait till it dries and then gently peel off.

One thing that you should remind yourself is that it is not suitable for everyone and can sometimes be harsh on the skin and cause irritation. If you have dry or sensitive skin it is better to stay away from it.



Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that is used to exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin. It can also help you to improve the skin texture and visibility of fine lines & scars. To get this done you have to visit your skin aesthetician or maybe a spa. The whole procedure involves cleansing and then using a mechanical exfoliation to gently exfoliate the skin surface. Followed by vacuum or suction of pores. After the treatment, they will give you some cooling chill that you can apply to your skin to reduce redness and irritation.

Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber

Ultrasonic skin scrub is a hand-held device that uses ultrasonic vibration to exploit the skin. This device is often used to address many skin care concerns like blackheads, whiteheads, clogged pores, etc.

Laser and Light therapies

Laser and light therapy is another fancy medical and cosmetic procedure that can help you with comedones. It uses various forms of light energy to treat skin concerns.

There are different kinds of leather and like therapy, you can use them. For example, intense pulsed light, blue light therapy, red light therapy, fractional laser therapy, CO2 laser, etc.

Professional Treatments for blackheads


Cryptography medical and cosmetic procedure that uses coal temperature to address various skin conditions including comedones.

Lifestyle Changes

If you are breaking out too frequently even after following a proper skincare routine and thinking about what is going south then there can be some issues with your lifestyle. So here are some tips and tricks you can implement in your daily life for better skin health.

Balanced diet

Having a balanced diet is important to live a healthy life. It provides all the nutrients that your body requires to function properly. Many times, we ignore it and consume anything except healthy food. For example, today we all rely too much on fast and packaged foods. But it is too bad for your body and even your skin. So avoid having it too much. Try to lean more towards a healthy and balanced diet. Make sure to include leafy vegetables, proteins, fruits, and fibers in your diet.

Balanced diet

Limit sugary foods

The next thing we are gonna talk about is sugar. We know this one is going to be hard for everyone. But try to limit your sugar intake. Excess sugar is not good for your body and skin. For the skin, it especially leads to ageing. It also weakens the skin elastin and hinders the production of collagen.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of essential polyunsaturated fats that are important for your overall health. It also plays a significant role in promoting healthy skin, reducing inflammation and helping to fight various skin concerns. And therefore you have to include them in your daily intake by diet or supplements. Some rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids are fatty face flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, etc. You can also take daily supplements.


Hydration is important for your skincare. And this is why every beauty celebrity will emphasize drinking water. Yes, it may be exaggerated but certainly not an optional step. As hydration helps in maintaining the skin’s natural moisture barrier which promotes plump and smooth skin.

To maintain your skin hydration, you can look for a hydrating moisturizer, use a gentle cleanser or use hydrating serums like hyaluronic acid.

Hands Off

Don’t touch your face. No, don’t! Refrain yourself from touching or picking your skin especially if you already have blackheads or whiteheads.

Your hands come into contact with various surfaces throughout the day and they can carry bacteria and dirt. When you touch your face you can transfer those contaminants into your skin causing infection and exacerbating comedones.

Hair care

Hair products like shampoo, conditioner, and styling products when they come into contact with your skin can contribute to the development of blackheads and whiteheads. And there we have to choose hair care products that are non-comedogenic which means they are less likely to clog the pores. Also while cleansing make sure to wash your hairline to avoid frequent breakouts.

Clean bedding and towels

Make sure to clean your bed sheets frequently to avoid skin concerns like blackheads and whiteheads. It helps you prevent the accumulation of dirt, oil, and bacteria that can transfer to your skin while you are asleep, causing potential damage.


Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It helps you to improve blood circulation and provide more oxygen and nutrition to your skin resulting in a healthy and glowing complexion.

Exercising also promotes sweating which is the natural way to eliminate toxins and impurities from your skin. It also helps you to get rid of stress which is a common trigger for skin issues like acne.

Key Takeaway

Finally, we can say that all of these are important to maintain healthy skin. Comedones are common but don’t let them be an important part of your life. You can remove blackheads and whiteheads with the proper skincare routine and treatment. Also, be mindful to have patience with your skincare regimen before it starts showing visible results.

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